Sober living

8 Must-Listen Addiction Recovery and Sobriety Podcasts in 2022

Host Lynn Matti, author, clinical counselor, and master recovery coach, offers her professional and personal wisdom for those looking to discover more about holistic mental wellness. Lynn’s mission is to help others choose moderation or sobriety, and recover from substance use disorders. With an original, quirky approach, Lynn shares her knowledge and tips for healing from stress, substance use disorders, codependency, overworking, relationship problems, perfectionism, and more. One of my favourite podcasts each month, I am sure they will continue to be so throughout 2021. If you haven’t listened to their content yet, then I highly recommend that you do if you are interested about learning tips and techniques on socialising sober, through to alcohol-free drinks and smashing sobriety. They do some fantastic work at highlighting alcoholism and help with sobriety, or providing valuable information for anyone who is sober curious.

Stay Sober: Avoid These 3 Sneaky Pitfalls on Your Quit Drinking Journey!

best stop drinking podcast

Lisa is a rock-and-roll-loving Gen X lawyer in recovery, and Tawny is a millennial writer who found sobriety through blogging. They cover a wide range of recovery-related topics such as forgiveness, relationships, and anxiety, which provides insightful tips on how to stay sober throughout a variety of circumstances. They also invite special guests to take a deeper dive on select themes. The ODAAT Chat Podcastis about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction,sobrietyand the journey of recovery, community and healing.

best stop drinking podcast

THIS Is Why You’ll NEVER Quit Alcohol (Warning)

Instead, their stories show that sobriety can make life even more exciting and fulfilling. This is an excellent podcast if you’re interested in discussions on self-care, taking it one day at a time, and general tips for staying strong in recovery. The Sober Boozers Club Podcast is brought to you by Ben Gibbs – Alcoholic. Since 2022 Ben has been sourcing and enjoying the best alcohol free beer the world has to offer and has been documenting these beverages during his sobriety journey. This podcast features experts from the Beer world, as well as Alcohol Free breweries and sober activists as we explore the world of Alcohol Free beer and sobriety.

best stop drinking podcast

Ep 302 How To Not Over-drink During Hard Times – REWIND

The Addicted Mind Podcastis about understanding addiction, its impact and the latest treatment options available. This podcast aims to create an environment of compassion for individuals caught in the destructive grip of the addictive process. It works to deliver real hope to people who are suffering from addiction’s painful impact. The Busy Living Sober podcast is designed to support the broad ecosystem of people impacted by addiction ⁠— including friends, families and co-workers.

  • Sobriety isn’t just about quitting alcohol—it’s about building the strength to navigate life’s challenges without numbing out.
  • Lisa Smith and Tawny Lara host this dynamic, fun, and authentic podcast about sobriety (with a touch of rock and roll).
  • We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals.
  • Meg is an Alcohol Recovery Coach who supports people to drink less alcohol and lead a better life in which they thrive.
  • This episode is a great listen as Alex and Lisa share stories of their sobriety along with a few tips to help listeners.
  • In addition to these great resources, you can always post in the Monument Community chat, and check out our therapist-moderated online alcohol support groups.
  • The Bubble Hour is a podcast hosted by Jean McCarthy, an author and blogger well-known for her work in the recovery space.
  • If so, then please share your favourite sobriety podcasts in the comments.

Soberful is full of advice for those who are sober curious, navigating the early stages of sobriety, or in long-term recovery. The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals.

best stop drinking podcast

Shane battled a 17-year alcohol and drug addiction before seeking treatment in 2013. Less than a year later, he started That Sober Guy Podcast as a way to allow others to share their experiences and bring light to a topic that so many find difficult to talk about. Today, TSG is one of the top recovery podcasts, with millions of downloads across multiple continents. Sobriety podcasts made me realise that I wasn’t alone on my sober journey, as I listened to some of my favourites I felt really connected to the presenters and their personal stories, tips and strategies for successfully quitting alcohol. The Way Out is a weekly recovery podcast that offers insight from guests who have firsthand experience in the world of addiction.

best stop drinking podcast

The Highs and Lows of Your First Sober Year

It also calculates how much money you have saved during the time you have been alcohol-free. The Best Recovery & Sobriety Podcasts – that you should be listening to in 2022. Many 12-step participants find it a supportive in-between-meetings tool. Quitting alcohol completely can be a challenge, but there are more ways to do it than ever before. All the stories are taken directly from, or adapted from my journals and are as true to my memory as possible.

At Ria, we offer weekly meetings with certified counselors to help members stay on track and build skills for long-term change. Excessive drinking has numerous impacts on your body and mind, ranging from mild to severe. Learn which signs to look out for, and how to care for your well-being.

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